Meet The Beautiful Shin Hyejeong of AOA

Shin Hyejeong

Shin Hyejeong Biography

  1. Hyejeong was born on August 10, 1993
  2. She was born in Seoul, South Korea.
  3. Her height is 170 cm.
  4. Her weight is 48 kg.
  5. She is a vocalist and a dancer of AOA.
  6. She is managed by FNC Music.
  7. Her angel name is Hyejeong.Linus.
  8. Her blood type is A.
  9. She was part of the first season of “The Romantic & Idol”
  10. She debuted through SBS’ drama “A Gentleman’s Dignity” prior to AOA’s debut
  11. Hyejeong used to be a cheerleader and model in high school.
  12. She was in FT Island’s “I Wish” music video.
  13. She is described as very silly and harmful by her friends.
  14. Hyejeong thinks she is very good in making Kimchi.
  15. Pink is her favourite color.
  16. She does yoga.
  17. Her name in Korean: 신혜정

Other members of AOA: Seolhyun, Park Choa, Shin Jimin, Mina, Chanmi, Yuna.

Hyejeong Fashion and Style

More is coming soon.


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Financial success with AOA.

AOA Cream are embarrassed to death.


Albums and Extended Plays


Short Hair

Released on June 19, 2014


Like A Cat

Released on November 11, 2014


Heart Attack

Released on June 22, 2015


Ace of Angles

Released on October 14, 2015


Have a look here for an entire list of all the singles has worked on.



AOA – Heart Attack

AOA – Miniskirt

This is our profile about Hyejeong. What are your thoughts and do you think that she is the prettiest of all the AOA members?

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