Meet Chou Tzuyu of Twice and get to know this Taiwanese Kpop Singer

Chou Tzuyu (Twice)


Chou Tzuyu Biography

Tzuyu is not only one of the most interesting members of Twice, but also a little phenomenon among all Kpop idols. We will take a look at her biography and share all the facts about her with you.

  1. Tzuyu was born on June 14, 1999.
  2. She was born in Tainan, Taiwan.
  3. She is the youngest member of Twice (Maknae).
  4. Tzuyu is 170cm tall.
  5. Her weight is 48 kg.
  6. Her blood type is A.
  7. She is managed by JYP Entertainment.
  8. Her name in Chinese is 周子瑜.
  9. Her name in Hangul is 쯔위.
  10. She was in MissA’s “Only You” music video.

Chou Tzuyu caused a huge wave in the beginning of 2016 by waving the Taiwanese flag. Mainland China was not very pleased about her doing so and she ended up having to apologise for waving the Taiwanese flag. What do you think about this? Let me know in the comments.

Tzuyu Fashion and Style

Tzuyu might be the youngest member of Twice but she is quite the fashion idol. We take a closer look at her style and give you some advice on how to copy some of her fashion.



The dark side of Asia’s pop music industry.

How a wave of a flag caused turmoil in mainland China.


You can find all the tour dates and events starring Tzuyu and Twice here.

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Extended Plays

The Story Begins

Released on October 20, 2015.


“Like OOH-AHH”

Twice Profile


22 super lovely phrases you can tell your OPPA to show him how much you love him.

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